Anderson Lodge Healing Center for Women

by Velma L. Albert, House Manager

Staff and sisters would like to share with you of all that have been happening at Anderson Lodge over the past few months.

For this month, the Lodge continues to provide services to homeless Sisters and to Sisters who are leaving correctional facilities to the community. They all particpate in all of our Indigenous Cultural and Spiritual programming.

Anderson Lodge House Manger continues to make bi-weekly visits to Fraser Valley Institution. It is during this time we get to know the sisters and to provide them with information on the Lodge. When you hear the announcement, “Anderson Lodge is here in the cultural room,” you are welcome to come and see the House Manager for any information that you are seeking regarding Anderson Lodge or the community. All information is viable for your integration plan.

At the beginning of next month, (April) Anderson Lodge will be responsible for the preparation and food delivery to homeless street people and to elders within our community. These two projects will happen bi-weekly. Hence, we plan to prepare and have food delivery to homeless street people, and then the following week will be food distribution to elders within our community. Sisters within our facility will be participating in these projects. This is a way to give back to the community.

Our sisters are strongly encouraged to participate in the Anderson Lodge program. The following programs are offered from Monday to Friday: sweat lodge ceremonies, ceremonies, smudging ceremonies, Native Arts & Crafts, Talking Circle/House Meeting, Anderson Lodge Drum Group, and Alcohol & Drug program.

Our sister’s lodge was held every Wednesday for this month and will continue in this trend. All sisters benefit from these ceremonies; they also have a chance to talk and smuduge with the elder who is running the lodge.

The past few months we had sisters who were extremely talented in Native Arts & Crafts. We made beautiful moccasins slippers, colorful lanyards, traditional paintings, and Native Jeweler. In addition, our A&D counselor assisted sisters in creating and sewing their sweat dresses, and ribbon skirts. These attires were made for Traditional celebration and ceremonies.

The sisters meet on Saturdays to work on their wonderful masterpieces. Most of the arts attracts the eye while they sparkle from the bright and shining colors. We are extremely pleased with all the wonderful Native Traditional sewing at Anderson Lodge. This writer witnessed the pride of each sisters who completed their striking work.

Sandra Peters, Alcohol & Drug (A&D) Counsellor, continues to meet our sisters for one to one counseling, provide Indigenous ways of teaching, moccasin making, and spiritual beliefs practices.

We had two house outings recently; we went as a group to witness the Traditional singing and drumming at Hobiyee – Nisga New Year and the Women’s memorial march on February 14. All outings went well and well received by all staff and sisters.

This concludes Anderson Lodge’s news. Thank you.

Musi Cho…

Newsletter cover Spring 2020
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