The Circle of Eagles Documentary

COELS will be releasing its 50th year documentary. This is a powerful story of overcoming life’s challenges, culture and healing and the vision of hope.

The filming has now been completed and we are in the process of editing and original soundtrack is now being produced.

The Documentary film: The Circle of Eagles From prison to community, embracing indigenous culture

‘The Circle of Eagles’ is a fifty-minute documentary
telling the story COELS, from it’s beginning to the present,
and looking forward.

The impact of government policies of residential schools, foster care, poverty, and addictions is a story of many Indigenous people, and its impact leading to higher rates of incarceration, poverty, educational achievement, and a standard of life enjoyed by their counterparts.

50 years ago, the director of the first Friendship Centre, Marge White, began looking at some realistic solutions for decolonization, that would make a positive impact on our Indigenous brothers and sisters as they leave the prison system. She demonstrated how healing with culture can change the course of one’s path as they take the next steps in their journey. A new Indigenous organization began and grew into a thriving Federal resource of healing and hope for some very resilient individuals with great potential, touching the lives of countless individuals.

This film hears from various voices. From Indigenous Brothers as they share their powerful stories of where they’ve been to where they are now. Founders, staff, Correctional Services of Canada and Elders tell stories of hope from individuals whose lives and hearts have been touched by the work done by all. Their stories highlight the impact of culture, overcoming incredible obstacles.


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